Discover the nature of Albury Wodonga during the Great Southern Bioblitz!
Parklands Albury Wodonga, Wodonga Urban Landcare Network, and Murray Landcare are teaming up to host the GSB in Albury Wodonga in 2024.
Join in to add your observations and record the nature of Albury Wodonga, from river to hills.
We’ll be hosting a series of local community events to record observations, and you can add your own observations as well. Just sign up (for free) to iNaturalist, log in to record your local nature sightings, and everything you add locally during the GSB period will automatically appear as part of our Albury Wodonga project.
You can also ‘join’ our Albury Wodonga GSB24 project on iNaturalist to keep up to date on what’s happening and see the records as they flow in.
Wodonga events during the Great Southern Bioblitz:
- Slow nature walk at Jack Perry Reserve – 10am, Friday 20 September
- Moth night at Castle Creek Bushlands – 7pm, Saturday 21 September
- Slow nature walk at Castle Creek Bushlands – 10am, Sunday 22 September