Presentation – Plant me instead: stop the spread of Albury-Wodonga’s worst garden escapees

AlburyCity Council Office 553 Kiewa Street, Albury, New South Wales, Australia

Learn how innocent attempts to beautify your garden can be a disaster for parks, bush and native wildlife. Gardens 4 Wildlife Project Officer, Lizette Salmon, will discuss our worst garden escapees, why they’re a problem, how they disperse and what you can do to stop the spread.

Koalas of Castle Creek and surrounds

Leneva Hall 3081 Beechworth-Wodonga Rd,, Leneva, Victoria

Koalas! Join us for a walk and talk session with Jim Blackney all about koalas at Leneva.

Hidden Farm Field Day

Castle Creek area, address details provided to registered participants Castle Creek, Wodonga

Restoration and regeneration in the Wodonga hills - WULN and Leneva Castle Creek Landcare group

Great Southern Bioblitz 2024: Albury Wodonga

Anywhere in Albury or Wodonga

Discover and record nature in Albury Wodonga during the Great Southern Bioblitz!
We're hosting a series of local community events to record observations, and you can add your own, independently using iNaturalist, as well.

Slow nature walk – Jack Perry reserve

Jack Perry Reserve Axford Boulevarde, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

Join us on a slow nature walk through Jack Perry Reserve, Wodonga. We will be on the lookout for nature observations to upload to iNaturalist, adding some regional records to the Great Southern BioBlitz.

Moth night

Castle Creek Bushlands Castle Creek Rd, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

Join us for an enchanting Moth Night at Castle Creek Bushlands, Wodonga, during the Great Southern Bioblitz!
We'll set up a moth sheet and special lighting to attract and observe a variety of moths and other nocturnal invertebrates in their natural habitat.

Slow nature walk – Castle Creek Bushland Reserve

Castle Creek Bushlands Castle Creek Rd, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

A slow nature walk through the Castle Creek Bushland reserve, Wodonga. We will be on the lookout for nature observations to upload to iNaturalist, adding some local records to the Great Southern BioBlitz.

Using iNaturalist workshops

Hyphen Library Gallery 126 Hovell St, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

Are you interested in observing and documenting nature?
Join us for a hands-on training session using iNaturalist, a popular citizen science platform!

Spider Night Walk

Gordon Craig Park, Wodonga Lawrence Street, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

Join us for a spider-spotting night walk with huntsman specialist Eathan Douglas.

This nocturnal adventure will include:
• Spotting spiders in their natural surrounds
• Expert insights into spider species, habits and homes
• Photography tips for capturing our eight-legged friends from photographer Craig Loechel
• How to share your own spider observations as nature records using iNaturalist

Birds on Farms in the Wodonga Hills

To be advised on booking

Wodonga Urban Landcare Network  are excited to invite you to a "Birds of Farms" field morning in the Wodonga Hills. Join Peter and Christine owners of "Regal Downs" and learn about how they are restoring their property while maintaining a productive farm and Ben Humphries from Birdlife Australia who will tell us about the BirdLife Australia "Birds […]


Cultural Connections: Cultural Awareness Day

Burraja Indigenous Cultural and Environmental Discovery Centre Gateway Village, Lincoln Causeway, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

Learn from Traditional Owners about traditional practice and cultural protocols at this special event at Burraja, an Indigenous cultural and environmental discovery centre, on Gateway Island in Wodonga.

Wodonga Landcare AGM and Network Gathering

The Venue on McFarland 5 McFarland Rd, Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

Wodonga Urban Landcare Network (WULN)'s AGM and Spring Network Gathering on November 27th will include a special presentation from Andrew Griffiths, from Wodonga Council, on the Wodonga Retained Environment Network (WREN). All welcome, see link to RSVP.

EVM Grow – Connect, Learn, Share

North East Water Office, Wodonga 83 Thomas Mitchell Drive, Wodonga, VIC, Australia

DEECA's annual Environmental Volunteer Managers event, EVM Grow, will be livestreamed, including into a hub at Wodonga.
