Friends of Federation Hill

Contact:Simon Fisher


Friends of Federation Hill area a group of residents who are interested in improving the hill’s native biodiversity and its value to the community.

The group works on the northern face of Federation Hill, behind Barton Street, with works including tree planting, weed control and dam restoration.

The group’s aim is to create habitat for wildlife while also making spaces for the local community to enjoy the hill, its wildlife and lovely views.

We are doing this by:
– planting trees to create linkages along the face of the hill
– planting shrubs and groundcovers that are no longer common on the hill due to past management
– restoring the dam near Tussock track with fencing, revegetation and weed control


We meet for regular working bees, the first Sunday of each month.
Join us from 7am in summer and 8am in winter.

We welcome people of all abilities and ages to come and help – there are many different tasks to be done and there is always something for everyone to help with.

Our working bees involve:
– checking on plants
– watering young plants in summer
– weeding
– whipper-snippering paths and around plants
– fixing and maintaining guards and stakes near plants
– from June to August we have planting days where we plant 100-200 trees, shrubs, grasses and wildflowers.

Want to know more about our work? Visit our site at Friends of Federation Hill

We welcome people of all abilities and ages to come and help – there are many different tasks to be done and there is always something for everyone to help with.