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Network Updates

News and announcements for Wodonga Landcare groups & coordinators, members, board and staff.

This page is updated weekly. Scroll down for full details or follow the links to specific items.


The last 12 months has seen a lot of  ‘behind the scenes’ change for WULN, with the adoption of a new constitution at a special general meeting which allowed for the move from a member based committee to a member and skills based Board.

The new Board was voted in at our recent AGM and met for the first time on Thursday 12 December.
Prior to meeting, the retiring committee and the new board met over dinner as a joint farewell and welcome.

We want to thank our outgoing committee members Julia Jones, Janette Reynoldson, Neil Offner and Heather Davies (Secretary) for their valuable contribution to the governance of our organisation over a number of years.

We also welcome the new Board members Simon Fisher, Sam Hagen, Caitlin Lawrence and Peter Staley, and returning members Julie Hind, Elaine Jamieson, Sharleen Sharp and Kate Sleeman.

The Board appointed the following people to executive positions:

  • Julie Hind – Chair
  • Elaine Jamieson – Secretary
  • Kate Sleeman – Treasurer

Sam Hagen was appointed as the Board’s representative on the newly formed Operational Committee and Peter Staley and Elaine Jamieson will join the Finance and Risk Committee.

We are looking forward to the leadership and support from our new Board in 2025!

In 2024, Wodonga Council introduced the Community Funding Request Program to replace the Community Impact and Partnership Grants.

This program is an annual opportunity for eligible community groups and non-profit organisations to apply for funding and initiatives which are aimed at promoting the wellbeing and prosperity of the community.


Drop-in session for information

The council will host a drop-in information session at Hyphen – Wodonga Library Gallery on Monday, December 9 from 4pm to 5.45pm, where you can seek assistance and ask questions about the program.


Program overview

The Community Funding Request Program introduces three funding categories based on project scale.

  • Small-Scale Community Projects (Up to $5,000)
  • Medium-Scale Community Projects ($5,000 to $50,000)
  • Large-Scale Community Projects ($50,000 and above)

Each category specifies grant requirements corresponding to the applied funding amount, providing clarity and transparency in the application process.

Early initiation of your application is strongly recommended to ensure ample time for guidance and support.

All submitted applications will undergo thorough assessment by a panel following established criteria. Final funding determinations will be made by the council during their annual budget processes.

CLOSING DATE: February 19, 2025

The 2024-25 Volunteer Grants program is now open for Expressions of Interest.

Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by reducing barriers for volunteers and increasing participation in volunteering.

Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations in supporting the efforts of their volunteers.

The Department of Social Services and Community Grants Hub administers the program. Federal MPs contribute their knowledge of local needs to the process while providing a mechanism for distributing funds evenly across the country.

Eligible organisations must be a not-for-profit with a minimum of 40% volunteers in their workforce. Full eligibility criteria are available in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

This year, there are two streams of funding:

  • Stream 1 funds the purchase of communication or insurance items that will benefit a community organisation’s volunteers.
  • Stream 2 funds the purchase of items or services or running volunteer-led activities, with the main purpose of supporting the development of children under 18 or adults whose volunteering activities support children’s development and wellbeing.

Please refer to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines to confirm your project is eligible.

Successful proponents will then be invited to apply to the Department of Social Services for a grant. The final decision on successful applications will be made by a delegate of the government.

To apply for the Volunteer Grants complete the online Expression of Interest Form.

Applications close 5pm on Friday 17 January 2025.

CLOSING DATE: January 17, 2024

The Harvard Club of Victoria provides funding to up to 3 CEOs of non-profit organisations based in Victoria to attend the one-week Harvard Business School program Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management (“SPNM”) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in July.

The A$18,000 award covers SPNM course fees (tuition and case materials, accommodation, and meals), as well as travel to and from Boston, including a side-trip to allow for visits to appropriate nonprofit organisations in North America.

The HCV Non-Profit Fellowship award is available to CEOs in service delivery organisations in the community service sector, with particular focus on;

  • Alcohol and drug services
  • Children, youth and families
  • Disability
  • Family violence
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Indigenous services
  • Mental health
  • Refugee resettlement

These organisations must be based in Victoria, must have DGR status and should have annual revenues over A$3 million. CEOs of industry associations (e.g. peak bodies), management support organisations, and consulting firms are not eligible.

Click here to view a short video about the SPNM program. SPNM will run on campus from the 27th of July 2025 to the 2nd of August 2025.

Application materials can be viewed here.

Applications close 5pm Sunday 2 February 2025.

CLOSING DATE: February 2, 2025

The Wettenhall Evnvironment Trust Small Environmental Grant Scheme provides support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban. They support grassroots organisations and individuals, and academics who are working with on-ground community groups.

Wettenhall Evnvironment Trust are looking to support projects about flora and fauna conservation around Australia with grants of between between $2,000 and $15,000. These projects should involve any of the following:

  • monitoring, recording and sharing data
  • delivering community education
  • providing community capacity building (e.g. training)
  • research and science

Read through all the application information here to see if your project is eligible, you can then apply on the same page.

Apply now, as once enough applications are received the round will be considered closed.

CLOSING DATE: January 5, 2024

Save the date for these exciting events in 2025.

WULN staff have been working in conjunction with our partners and groups to prepare and offer some great events in 2025.

As well as the events below, we will also announce additional Gardens 4 Wildlife events and Healthy Hectares workshops soon.

Get your calendar out and put these dates in your diary!


16th February Operational Committee Meeting (all group coordinators)

25th February –  Evening urban wetland walk – On Country with Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal Corporation and Birdlife Australia (David Winterbottom Park)

27th February Understanding the private lives of backyard birds – Melanie Massaro

8/9 March Gardenesque

23rd MarchLandcare Community Information Day and BBQ (Ward Morrison and Ewart Brothers Reserve)

30th MarchGrounds for change – planning your restoration project with Sue Brunskill (Leneva Hall)

3rd AprilHilltop Journey On Country with Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal Corporation and Birdlife Australia (Susan Campbell Reserve)

date TBC late April – Trees: The heart of healthy cities Dr Greg Moore OAM

11th MayWeed Wise Workshop – weed management and planning with Sue Brunskill (Veronica Egan Park)

TBC MayNest Box Know How – types of nest boxes, installation, maintenance and monitoring

June/JulyProject SPROUT (Sustaining Parks, Restoring our Urban Terrain) WULN Community Planting Days!

TBC August Ward Morrison Community Planting Days

27th AugustNetwork Gathering and AGM

26th NovemberNetwork Gathering

As the year draws to a close, we reflect on the many achievements of Landcarers throughout Wodonga this year.

A big thank you to all our supporters, members, groups, committee and board, staff, and partners – we are so proud of what we’ve accomplished together.

In January, we encourage both staff and volunteers to take a much-deserved break. We will be closed from Saturday 21st of December and will be returning on Monday 20th January 2025. If there is an urgent matter that requires attention, please contact Jo on 0428 672 713 or Julie on 0429 445 536.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with peace and gratitude. We look forward to more Landcare activities and collaborations in 2025!

Strengthening Rural Communities — Small & Vital Stream Grants

The Strengthening Rural Communities Small & Vital stream gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.

Grants up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities that strengthen local people, places and climate solutions, with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).

Applications close 27 March.

CLOSING DATE: March 27, 2025