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WULN rules review

Book Now: WULN is currently reviewing its rules and would like to brief members about proposed changes. Information sessions will be held on 

  • Sunday 21st July at 10.30am at Hyphen Wodonga
  • Thursday 25th July at 10.30 am at Hyphen Wodonga
  • Wednesday 24th July at 6pm via ZOOM


Why are we reviewing our rules?

Our initial set of Rules was developed and approved in 2012 when WULN incorporated. It is important that incorporated associations periodically review their Rules to ensure that they remain valid. In 2016, in response to several governance issues, the Rules were reviewed and changed.

This set of Rules adapted the model rules and WULN sought legal advice to ensure that what was proposed fell within the Act requirements.

WULN has grown significantly since the Rules were last reviewed in 2016. We need to ensure that they reflect WULN as it currently exists but also gives us room to continue to evolve.


What do you need to do?

Read the discussion paper and book to come along to one of three workshops to have your say in how our new rules should be developed.