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2024-25 Volunteer Grants Program

Closing Date: January 17, 2024

The 2024-25 Volunteer Grants program is now open for Expressions of Interest.

Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by reducing barriers for volunteers and increasing participation in volunteering.

Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations in supporting the efforts of their volunteers.

The Department of Social Services and Community Grants Hub administers the program. Federal MPs contribute their knowledge of local needs to the process while providing a mechanism for distributing funds evenly across the country.

Eligible organisations must be a not-for-profit with a minimum of 40% volunteers in their workforce. Full eligibility criteria are available in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

This year, there are two streams of funding:

  • Stream 1 funds the purchase of communication or insurance items that will benefit a community organisation’s volunteers.
  • Stream 2 funds the purchase of items or services or running volunteer-led activities, with the main purpose of supporting the development of children under 18 or adults whose volunteering activities support children’s development and wellbeing.

Please refer to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines to confirm your project is eligible.

Successful proponents will then be invited to apply to the Department of Social Services for a grant. The final decision on successful applications will be made by a delegate of the government.

To apply for the Volunteer Grants complete the online Expression of Interest Form.

Applications close 5pm on Friday 17 January 2025.