Reminder: Special General Meeting

Reminder to co-ordinators & for member information

Following a review of Wodonga Urban Landcare Network (WULN) Inc’s Rules of Association and member consultation, the Committee of Management is proposing a new Constitution be adopted to ensure that we have a clear, fit-for-purpose governing document now and into the future. As such, members will be asked to vote on a special resolution at a Special Meeting.

Meeting date: Sunday 27 October 2024
Meeting Time: 10:15 am
Meeting location: Hyphen, Wodonga

Proposed Special Resolution:
“That the Constitution of Wodonga Urban Landcare Network Incorporated, dated 4 October 2024, be adopted with effect from 27 October 2024.”

More information on the notice of special resolution is available by clicking the button below.

Please note, only the nominated Voting Delegate (group coordinator) of each financial member group present at the meeting, or their nominated proxy, may vote on the special resolution. If your delegate cannot attend the Special Meeting, they may nominate a proxy to vote on your group’s behalf.

Please ensure that your delegate RSVPs – or provides a proxy – to the Secretary:, no later than Friday 25 October 2024.

See also the Current Rules of our Association